Well, as you already know, my name is Larry. I am
a first year student at Whitman
College in Walla Walla,
WA. I am originally from Camarillo, CA,
which is located approximately one hour northwest of Los Angeles
and 45 minutes southeast of Santa Barbara. My high school years
were spent at The Thacher
School , a college-prep school in Ojai, CA. I will admit that so
far the best four years of my life were spent at The Thacher
School. Looks like I am stuck at Whitman for the next four years.
One of my most recent works was a shared project
with Brady Huang.
At the end of our senior year, we were required to do a senior
exhibition. The theory behind the senior exhibition is that it is
supposed to be the culminating academic experience for the
graduating senior. For many, it was nightmare. Countless numbers
of hours were spent trying to create this "culminating
experience." Well, enough bitching and moaning. Check out
our Senior Exhibition. This site is
designed to provide Thacher students with a starting point in
researching materials on the Internet (World Wide Web, Gopher,
USENET) without having to spend extra time using search engin es
and to help avoid dead end searches. This is also a great place
for beginning Internet researchers to find useful materials with
as little confusion as possible. What you see here is about half
a school year's worth of searching, programming, and designing.
We evaluated various sites, implemented the URL's into our HTML
documents, dealt with many design issues (even of the HTML code
as well), and created some of the featured artwork. I believe
that a senior this year has undertaken the task of continuing
this never ending project of providing and updating new links.
Changes last made June 9 1997
Original artwork by Cindy Liu, CdeP '98